- Accomidates flashlight bulbs, 75W, 125V
- Miniature white base, 1-3⁄8” diameter, 7⁄8” high
- Front wire screw terminals
shipping is free on orders over $100
Spreads easy, drys quick with minimal shrinkage May be used in 4˝ or 3-1⁄4˝ box
SKU: 74-0170
SKU: 74-0168
May be used in 4˝ or 3-1⁄4˝ box No outlets on receptacles 660W-250V rating
SKU: 22-6762
Single pole switch Heavy-duty, polarized Switch rated 10A, 125V/AC Receptacle rated 15A, 125V/AC R
SKU: 22-6882
15A, 125V/AC Includes built-in wire stripper and looper Screw catch automatically holds wall plate
SKU: 22-6800
15A, 125V/AC Includes built-in wire stripper and looper Screw catch automatically holds wall plate
SKU: 22-6854
SKU: 22-0051
SKU: 22-6706
SKU: 22-6712